Elizabeth Osorio
Estimad@s tod@s / Dear friends
Tenemos nuevo tema para el 18 Concurso Internacional de dibujo sobre el Medio Ambiente / We have new theme for 18th International children's painting competition
El tema es: "El Cambio Climático. Nuestro desafío" / The theme is: "Climate Change. Our Challenge"
Estaré enviando luego las bases del concurso en español e inglés (y si Gaby nos ayuda, en portugués) / I'll be sending the competition rules in Spanish and English (and if Gaby helps us, in Portuguese).
Estoy lista para recibir todos los dibujos que quieran / I am ready to receive all the paintings that you want.
Nuestra dirección es / Our address is:
Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente - PNUMA
Clayton, Ciudad del Saber, Edificio 103 - Avenida Morse, Corregimiento de Ancón, Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA
Conmutador: (507) 305-3100 Fax: (507) 305 3105 - Apto. Postal: 0843-03590 - C.E.: enlace@pnuma.org
Por favor visitar / Please visit: http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=540&ArticleID=5873&l=enhttp://www.unep.org/tunza/children/inner.asp?ct=competitions
Muchos saludos / Best regards
More Information
The International Children’s Painting Competition on the Environment is organized every year by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Japan-based Foundation for Global Peace and Environment (FGPE), Bayer and Nikon Corporation. It has been held since 1991 and has received more than 190,000 entries from children in over 100 countries. This year’s Competition will focus on the challenges of climate change and what we can do about it.
The children’s paintings can focus on concrete actions such as using renewable energy, energy saving light bulbs at home, sharing vehicles and using public transport, planting trees, etc. The competition will run from 1 July 2008 to 15 January 2009. The organizers invite children all over the world to submit their paintings to the UNEP office in their regions.
Entry Rules and Conditions:
Children between the age of 5 and 13 years.
1) Paintings must be done on A4 OR A3 papers. (210 X 295 MM, 11-3/4" x 8-1/4".)
2) Full name, age (day, month, year) and full address including phone and e-mail (in English) must be on the back of the painting.
3) Style of painting is free: crayons, colored pencils, watercolors, etc.
4) Paintings that have been shown or accepted elsewhere will not be accepted in this competition.
5) Paintings that show a particular person, an organization or a brand name will not be accepted.
6) Do not include any words or descriptions in the paintings.
7) Only hard copies of paintings will be accepted. (E-mail entries will only be accepted after by hard copies is received).
Global winners:
The 1st Prize:
One entrant - US$ 2,000 with a fully paid trip for the winner and a chaperone to the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (date and venue to be confirmed later). The winner will also receive a plaque and supplementary prizes.
The 2nd Prize:
One entrant - US$ 1,000 each and a fully paid trip for winners and chaperones to the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (date and venue to be confirmed later). Each winner will also receive a plaque and supplementary prizes.
The 3rd Prize:
Five entrants – A diploma for each winner (No cash)
The 4th Prize:
Ten entrants – A diploma for each winner (No cash)
The 5th Prize:
Forty five entrants – A diploma for each winner (No cash)
Regional winners:
One winner only from each region: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; West Asia; Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; and North America.
US$ 1,000 and fully paid trip for each winner and chaperones to the venue of the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (venue and date to be confirmed later).
(Note that by entering the Competition, you have assigned copyright of your painting(s) to the organizers. The painting(s) will not be returned and will be used to raise environmental awareness through exhibition, websites, posters, publications etc) and -to raise funds to further promote environmental activities by children.
Selection of winners:
Winners will be selected through a fair and impartial selection by the organizers.
Announcement of winners:
(1) Regional winners will be announced on 22 April 2009
(2) Global winners will be announced at the venue of the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (venue and dates to be confirmed later)
Entries must reach the relevant UNEP regional office by 15 January 2009 at the latest.
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