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Olá gente!
@s jovens que tiverem interesse, sintam-se à vontade para escrever para a revista TUNZA do PNUMA. Seguem abaixo maiores informações. Infelizmente a revista é em inglês, mas quem tiver mais facilidade também pode escrever os artigos em espanhol.
Divulguem em suas redes.
Um forte abraço!
L@s jóvenes interesad@s ya pueden escribir sus artículos para la revista TUNZA del PNUMA. Siguen abajo más informaciones. La revista está en inglés, pero ustedes que hablan español pueden escribir en español también.
Divulguen en sus redes.
TUNZA magazine, UNEP's magazine for youth, is looking for contributions!
The theme of the next issue, to coincide with World Environment Day 2008, is CO2: Kick the Habit! The focus will be on what can/is being done to reduce CO2 emissions.
Are you or someone you know implementing a great idea for reducing CO2 emissions? Tell us about it! How are you, your group, or young people in your country helping to kick the habit, in 100 words or less?
Besides detailing the idea, please include how you're making it happen, and how it is helping to reduce carbon emissions. Past successful projects are fine too.
Ideas can be simple – such as tree-planting programs and drives to replace incandescent light bulbs with CFLs – but we’re looking for ambitious projects and examples of “thinking outside the box” too.
The idea is to demonstrate YOUR practical solutions, which might be able to be implemented by others across countries and cultures around the world. Here’s your chance to inspire someone!
2. Q&A
Every issue, we send a handful of questions on the topic to the experts at UNEP. The idea is to have sort of a 'Frequently Asked Questions' about the topic to reflect what young people might be wondering about, and we ask UNEP to provide enlightening and informative answers.
So please send your well-considered questions about reducing CO2 emissions – which could include topics like forests, carbon capture and sequstration, renewable energy, and so on.
This is a regular feature that showcases innovations that help the environment. It's sort of a catch-all for interesting stuff that we're not able to fit into the magazine elsewhere, as well as a chance to offer ideas for ecological living. It's also a good place to showcase time-sensitive items, like book releases, films or events. They don’t have to be on-theme.
Here are some examples of past items:
COOL: picnics.
COOLER: using compostable utensils. Knives, forks, spoons and chopsticks made from potato starch and sugarcane pulp biodegrade almost as fast as ordinary compost.
COOLEST: forgoing utensils and eating with your hands. Sandwiches, anyone?
COOL: replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescentsCOOLER: switching off the lights and working by a window.
COOLEST: installing a solar light tube, a device that harnesses sunlight via a plastic or glass dome on your rooftop and channels it down through a set of mirrors into your house or office.
COOL: Recycled rubber tyre swings. Eco-nostalgia: be a kid again, spinning under a tree.
COOLER: Recycled rubber tyre sandbags. Sandbags used to control erosion often disintegrate. Recycled tyres are now providing a sturdier substitute, and using them – instead of dumping them – takes pressure off landfills. Eco-Blocks made from tyres can be interlocked, stacked, and glued or staked into place, and can be reused for up to 10 years.
COOLEST: Recycled rubber tyre houses.Earthships, the brainchild of Michael Reynolds of New Mexico's Solar Survival Architecture, are houses made of stacks of recycled tyres rammed with dirt, packed with mud and plastered with adobe or stucco. The company teaches people how to construct them, and offers demonstrations to officials in disaster-relief areas like Mexicali, Mexico, and La Paz, Bolivia.
* Please note: You don't necessarily have to construct a cool/cooler itself. Just send me your idea with details of what makes it interesting. If you don't have another item to link it with, I might already have something, or I might be able to find something.
Please send your queries and ideas to contact at
Karen Eng (TUNZA) via
e-mail or via Facebook as soon as possible so we know you’re interested; deadline for final copy is
January 30.
Please include your full name, age, and country of origin with all queries and submissions!To see and download TUNZA back issues, please visit the