
Competencia de Pintura Infantil // Children Painting Competition

Por / By
Elizabeth Osorio

[English follows]

Estimad@s todos,
Estoy enviando los detalles, reglas y condiciones tanto en español como inglés (la versión en portugués se enviará pronto) de esta nueva edición de la Competencia de Pintura Infantil sobre el Medio Ambiente. Cliquea aquí por favor.
Estoy muy emocionada con esta nueva oportunidad. El año pasado PNUMA ORPALC reportó 600 ejemplares que nos llegaron. Para nosotros, esta cantidad no es representativa de nuestra joven región.
Este año, nosotros queremos más pinturas!!! Más pinturas del Caribe, más de Mesoamérica, más de los países andinos y del Cono Sur; nosotros queremos más porque sabemos el talento que existe en nuestros países. Realmente, quiero que me den mucho, mucho trabajo procesando miles de ejemplares.
Por favor, compartan esta información con sus amigos, ONGs, Instituciones, familia.
Saludos cordiales,



Dear all,
I am sending in Spanish and English (Portuguese version coming soon) the rules, ronditions and all details for this Children Painting Competition on Environment. Click here please.
I am really exciting for this new opportunity. The last year UNEP ROLAC only reported 600 entries. For us, this quantity was not representatives of our young region.
This year, we want more paintings!!! More painting from Caribbean, more from Mesoamerica, more from Andean countries, more from South Cone; we want more because we know that LAC countries have a lot of talent. Really, I want that you give me a lot of work with thousand of entries that I need to process.<>Please, please, share this information with your friends, NGOs, Institutions, family.
Best wishes,



PNUMA - Última Oportunidad! // UNEP - Last Chance!

Por / By
Gabriela Monteiro
Consejera TUNZA ALC / TUNZA LAC Advisor

[English version follows]


Quedé muy contenta hoy cuando chequée mi correo y vi que muchos de ustedes habían contestando la consulta sobre la Estrategia. Gracias a tod@s que hicieron un esfuerzo para ayudarnos con eso.

Lamentablemente aún hay países de la región que no han contestado. Sería muy bueno tener impresiones de jóvenes de cada país de la región. Todavía no recibimos comentarios de Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Perú, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, Barbados, Trinidad y Tobago, S. Domingo y R. Dominicana. Les pido que nos envien sus comentarios hasta el viernes (25).

Estoy enviando el pedido una vez más. Por favor, encuentrenlo aquí.





I got very happy today when I checked my e-mail and saw that many of you had answered the survey about the strategy. Thanks to all of you that made an effort to help us out with this.

Unfortunately there are still some countries in the region that haven't replied. That would be good to have impressions of youth in each country in the region. We haven't received comments from Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobaco, S. Domigo, and Dominican Republic. I ask you to send your comments to us by friday (25).

I'm sending the request once more. Please, find it here.

Best wishes!


18° Concurso Internacional de dibujo sobre el Medio Ambiente / 18th International children's painting competition

Por / By
Elizabeth Osorio

Estimad@s tod@s / Dear friends

Tenemos nuevo tema para el 18 Concurso Internacional de dibujo sobre el Medio Ambiente / We have new theme for 18th International children's painting competition

El tema es: "El Cambio Climático. Nuestro desafío" / The theme is: "Climate Change. Our Challenge"

Estaré enviando luego las bases del concurso en español e inglés (y si Gaby nos ayuda, en portugués) / I'll be sending the competition rules in Spanish and English (and if Gaby helps us, in Portuguese).

Estoy lista para recibir todos los dibujos que quieran / I am ready to receive all the paintings that you want.

Nuestra dirección es / Our address is:

Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente - PNUMA

Clayton, Ciudad del Saber, Edificio 103 - Avenida Morse, Corregimiento de Ancón, Ciudad de Panamá, PANAMA

Conmutador: (507) 305-3100 Fax: (507) 305 3105 - Apto. Postal: 0843-03590 - C.E.: enlace@pnuma.org

Por favor visitar / Please visit: http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?DocumentID=540&ArticleID=5873&l=enhttp://www.unep.org/tunza/children/inner.asp?ct=competitions

Muchos saludos / Best regards



More Information


The International Children’s Painting Competition on the Environment is organized every year by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the Japan-based Foundation for Global Peace and Environment (FGPE), Bayer and Nikon Corporation. It has been held since 1991 and has received more than 190,000 entries from children in over 100 countries. This year’s Competition will focus on the challenges of climate change and what we can do about it.

The children’s paintings can focus on concrete actions such as using renewable energy, energy saving light bulbs at home, sharing vehicles and using public transport, planting trees, etc. The competition will run from 1 July 2008 to 15 January 2009. The organizers invite children all over the world to submit their paintings to the UNEP office in their regions.

Entry Rules and Conditions:

Children between the age of 5 and 13 years.
1) Paintings must be done on A4 OR A3 papers. (210 X 295 MM, 11-3/4" x 8-1/4".)
2) Full name, age (day, month, year) and full address including phone and e-mail (in English) must be on the back of the painting.
3) Style of painting is free: crayons, colored pencils, watercolors, etc.
4) Paintings that have been shown or accepted elsewhere will not be accepted in this competition.
5) Paintings that show a particular person, an organization or a brand name will not be accepted.
6) Do not include any words or descriptions in the paintings.
7) Only hard copies of paintings will be accepted. (E-mail entries will only be accepted after by hard copies is received).


Global winners:
The 1st Prize:
One entrant - US$ 2,000 with a fully paid trip for the winner and a chaperone to the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (date and venue to be confirmed later). The winner will also receive a plaque and supplementary prizes.
The 2nd Prize:
One entrant - US$ 1,000 each and a fully paid trip for winners and chaperones to the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (date and venue to be confirmed later). Each winner will also receive a plaque and supplementary prizes.
The 3rd Prize:
Five entrants – A diploma for each winner (No cash)
The 4th Prize:
Ten entrants – A diploma for each winner (No cash)
The 5th Prize:
Forty five entrants – A diploma for each winner (No cash)

Regional winners:
One winner only from each region: Africa; Asia and the Pacific; West Asia; Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean; and North America.
US$ 1,000 and fully paid trip for each winner and chaperones to the venue of the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (venue and date to be confirmed later).

(Note that by entering the Competition, you have assigned copyright of your painting(s) to the organizers. The painting(s) will not be returned and will be used to raise environmental awareness through exhibition, websites, posters, publications etc) and -to raise funds to further promote environmental activities by children.

Selection of winners:
Winners will be selected through a fair and impartial selection by the organizers.

Announcement of winners:
(1) Regional winners will be announced on 22 April 2009

(2) Global winners will be announced at the venue of the 2009 Tunza International Children’s Conference (venue and dates to be confirmed later)

Entries must reach the relevant UNEP regional office by 15 January 2009 at the latest.


Proceso de Consulta TUNZA // Consultation Process for TUNZA

Por /By

Consejera Juvenil TUNZA del PNUMA para América Latina y el Caribe
UNEP's Tunza Youth Advisor for Latin America and Caribbean

[English version follows]

Queridos colegas,

El Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA) lanzó, en 2003, la Estrategia Tunza, que es un plan de seis años con el objetivo de aumentar la participación de jóvenes y niños en temas medioambientales.

Culmina en 2008 el plan que fue diseñado para seis años (2003-2008) y el PNUMA está comprometido en dar continuidad a la estrategia. Para eso, está llevando adelante consultas a nivel mundial sobre el documento que establecerá la próxima Estrategia Tunza (2009-2014). Este documento está disponible para su análisis aquí (solo en inglés).

Hay una encuesta con cuatro preguntas-clave para su consideración y un espacio para otros comentarios que creas importantes. Para contestarlas pincha aquí.

Apreciaremos recibir sus comentarios hasta el 25 de Julio de 2008.

Entre 28 y 30 de Julio el PNUMA diseñará el documento final basado en los comentarios presentados y, una vez que esté listo, cada uno de ustedes será notificado sobre el link para encontrarlo.

Por favor enviar la encuesta contestada para los dos Consejeros Jóvenes para América Latina y Caribe:
Gabriela Monteiro (Brasil) - bela_monter@yahoo.com.br
Handy Cuellar (Cuba) - mcuellar@infomed.sld.cu

Agradecemos su atención y esperamos recibir tus comentarios.

Un cordial saludo!
Consejo de Jóvenes Tunza del PNUMA


Dear friends,

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) launched, in 2003, the Tunza Strategy, to actively engage children and youth in environmental issues.

The six-year strategy is nearing the end of its mandate in 2008, and the UNEP is committed to providing its continuity. For this purpose, the UNEP is excited to launch a global-level consultation process that will establish the next Tunza Strategy (2009-2014). This document is available here.

The survey has four key questions for your consideration, and some space for other comments that might be of importance to you. To participate in the survey, click here.

Please send us your comments by July 25th, 2008.

Between 28-30th July, UNEP will finalize the strategy based on all of the comments that you sent in and, when it’s ready, each of you will be notified about the link where the document can be publicly accessed.

Please, return the survey to both Tunza Youth Advisors for Latin America and the Caribbean:
Gabriela Monteiro (Brazil ) – bela_monter@yahoo.com.br
Handy Cuellar (Cuba) – mcuellar@infomed.sld.cu

We thank you for your attention and look forward to receiving your feedback.

Kind regards!
UNEP’s Tunza Youth Advisory Council

Informe de GEO Juvenil MERCOSUR // GEO for Youth in MERCOSUR Report

Florencia Caminos
Punto Focal en Tucumán / Focal Point in Tucuman
GEO Juvenil Argentina / GEO for Youth in Argentine

[English version follows]

Florencia Caminos, Punto Focal en Tucumán de GEO Juvenil Argentina, presentó un informe de las Actividades realizadas en la Jornada de Trabajo de GEO Juvenil MERCOSUR, evento llevado a cabo en la ciudad de San Miguel de Tucumán (Argentina) y que fuera difundido días atrás (ver posteo).

Para ver el Informe, visita el siguiente link.


Florencia Caminos is Focal Point in Tucuman of GEO for Youth in Argentine. She reported the activities in the GEO for Youth in MERCOSUR Workshop happened in San Miguel de Tucuman City (read the post - Spanish only).

You can read the Report here (Spanish only)


Actividades en ALC por el Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente // Activities in LAC for the World Environment Day

En el sitio web de la ORPALC/PNUMA ya están publicadas las actividades reportadas en la región de América Latina y el Caribe en conmemoración del Día Mundial del Medio Ambiente 2008. Puedes verlas desde aquí.

In the ROLAC/UNEP’s website are publicated the World Environment Day 2008’s Activities from Latin American & Caribbean. You can read here (in Spanish).

Asimismo, se pueden ver actividades vinculadas a GEO: Publicación del Informe GEO Rosario y Taller GEO ALC: Estrategias de Impacto.

GEO’s Activities: Publication of GEO Rosario City Report and Workshop GEO LAC: Strategy of Impact; (in Spanish).


Brevemente processo de consulta TUNZA! // Se viene el proceso de consulta TUNZA! // Coming soon the consultation process for the TUNZA!

Por /By
Consejera Juvenil TUNZA del PNUMA para América Latina y el Caribe
UNEP's Tunza Youth Advisor for Latin America and Caribbean

[Español abajo ; English follow]

Oi gente!

Escrevo para dizer que esperamos começar com o processo de consulta sobre a nova Estratégia Tunza (2009-2014) na próxima semana. Gostaria de lembrá-los que é algo muito importante e peço que participem ativamente.

Para maiores informações sobre a Estratégia Tunza:
http://www.pnuma.org/tunza/tunza_jovenes.htm (em espanhol)
http://www.unep.org/tunza/youth/ (em inglês)



Hola chic@s!

Les escribo para decirles que esperamos empezar con el proceso de consulta sobre la nueva Estrategia Tunza (2009-2014) en la próxima semana. Les recuerdo que es algo muy importante y les pido que participen activamente.

Para más informaciones sobre la Estrategia Tunza:
http://www.pnuma.org/tunza/tunza_jovenes.htm (en español)
http://www.unep.org/tunza/youth/ (en inglés)



Hi people!

I'm writing to you to say that we expect to start with the consultation process for the Tunza Strategy (2009-2014) next week. I remind you that this is something very important and I ask you to actively participate.

For more information about the Tunza Strategy:
http://www.pnuma.org/tunza/tunza_jovenes.htm (in Spanish)
http://www.unep.org/tunza/youth/ (in English)
